Contribution to the study of the physicochemical evolution of irrigated soils. Case of the irrigated perimeter downstream of the Mellah and Seybouse River is confluence (Guelma province), North-Eastern Algeria

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Research Paper 01/02/2019
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Contribution to the study of the physicochemical evolution of irrigated soils. Case of the irrigated perimeter downstream of the Mellah and Seybouse River is confluence (Guelma province), North-Eastern Algeria

Amel Maou, Mohamed Mahia, Saadane Djorfi, Kadour Benmarce, Lamine Sayad
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 2), 131-137, February 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The enrichment of soluble salts process of an irrigated soil causes the build-up of saline soil, which can result an increase in osmotic pressure, toxicity of certain ions to vegetation (Cl, Na++) and soil degradation. In Algeria, more than 20% of irrigated soils are impacted by salinization/sodification process. In this regard, this work is aimed at investigating the case of (16) parcels located in the Bouchegouf plain, North-East of Algeria, used for market gardening and irrigated from surface water and groundwater. The findings of surface water and groundwater analyses show conductivity and SAR of the order of: (i) (EC=1.138ds/m and SAR= 4.30) for the Seybouse river, (ii) (EC=1.935dS/m and SAR=9.35) for the Mellah river and (iii) (EC= 1.454 dS/m) and SAR=3.23) for groundwater. A calculation model SMSS2 (simulation model of soil salinization and sodification) used for evaluating and preventing the salinization hazard of irrigated soils with these waters reveals:(i) an increased hazard for Mellah river water, (ii) a lesser hazard for Seybouse river water and (iii) the existence of a mixture of Mellah river water with groundwater.


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