Contributions of environmental isotopes to identification of lateral transfers and drainage in a coastal aquifer system, Annaba-Bouteldja (North-East Algeria)

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Research Paper 01/12/2017
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Contributions of environmental isotopes to identification of lateral transfers and drainage in a coastal aquifer system, Annaba-Bouteldja (North-East Algeria)

Imen Aichouri, Samir Hani, Nabil Bougherira, lamine Sayad, Nassima Sedrati, Larbi Djabri, Hicham Chaffai
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 6), 132-140, December 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


A new approach was applied to the Annaba–Bouteldja aquifers (northeastern Algeria) in order to understand better the hydrogeology of the complex aquifers despite the scarcity of the available data. Statistical techniques are used to combine various disciplinary data in order to identify chemical and isotopic groups, which are in turn used to define groundwater flow paths. The results of this research agree with the generally accepted hydrogeological conceptual scheme of the aquifers. Additionally, we obtained new results using the PCA method: (1) identification of the complex flow system by grouping various qualitative and quantitative parameters; (2) the description and characterization of the main groundwater flow paths from their sources to the discharge areas. These flow paths are characterized by their water categories, which are represented by salinity and origin of groundwater. This approach is useful for analysing aquifers despite the lack of important database and may also be helpful for studying other complex groundwater basins.


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