Crude fat and protein analysis of Asian palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) larval grub as an alternative source of protein and a potential material for feed production

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Research Paper 17/03/2024
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Crude fat and protein analysis of Asian palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) larval grub as an alternative source of protein and a potential material for feed production

Jean Rose B. Naranjo, Grethyl C. Jamero, Novelyn H. Morite, Gelian A. Rasonable, Gemma A. Asufre
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.24( 3), 40-46, March 2024.
Certificate: IJAAR 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The demand for food and protein sources rises in tandem with the ever-changing global population, sparking a thorough search for sustainable protein sources for both direct and indirect human consumption. Because of their nutritional value and sustainability, using insects as food and feed represents a promising option. A locally infamous nuisance and edible bug, the Asian palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus), was studied for its nutritional value using proximate composition as indexes. This study aimed to address the following objectives: to determine the composition of crude fat and crude protein of Asian palm weevil larvae, to formulate hog production feeds using readily available or local raw materials and to determine the cost efficiency of the locally formulated hog production. Asian palm weevil was collected and pulverized. The sample was then transported to the Department of Agriculture Taguibo, Butuan City laboratory for crude fat and crude protein analysis. The late larval stage contains the highest crude protein content of 21.00-22.81% whereas the early larval stage contains 27.09-29.43%. The early larval stage has the highest crude fat content of 54.00-56.73% whereas the late larval stage has the least value of 21.00-22.81%. This result can be interpreted in such a way that the late larval stage of the Asian palm weevil is a better source of protein than the early larval stage. Using the recorded data, a feed was formulated with the palm weevil larvae as one of the raw materials, and a sample costing was then computed to determine its cost efficiency. A much lower cost price per kg was obtained from the formulated feeds (Php 6700/50 kg) using batod as compared to the commercial feeds (Php 3200/50 kg).


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