Detergents and degreasers toxicity on Escherichia coli in marine water from Akwa Ibom, Nigeria

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Detergents and degreasers toxicity on Escherichia coli in marine water from Akwa Ibom, Nigeria

Theresa Obiageli Ozoude, Uchechi Nnembuihe Ekwenye, Virginia Onyebuchi Ifeanyi, Evangeline Ukachi Amachree, Jane Chimebere Anyanwu Odu
Int. J. Biosci.23( 1), 334-340, July 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Uncontrolled detergent and degreaser release into water bodies and cultivated soil usually results in poor life productivity in various habitats causing significant ecological and economic problems. The research assessed the toxicity of detergents – Biological toilet cleanser (BTC) and Teepol; degreasers – Rigwash and Aquabreak on Escherichia coli in marine water. Percentage log survival was used to assess acute toxicity at various concentrations – 10ppm, 100ppm, 1000ppm, 10,000ppm, and 100,000ppm. The result of the toxicity test revealed a decrease in percentage log survival while the percentage mortality increased as the concentration of the chemicals and contact time increased. The decrease in per cent log survival of the test isolate suggests that the functions of the test isolate in the aquatic habitat were impaired. This also reduced the ability of the affected aquatic habitat to maintain the lives of the aquatic organisms. Inhibiting the growth of this bacterium disrupts the equilibrium of biogeochemical cycles in which it was involved. The study also examined the relationship between the chemicals and the susceptibility of the test isolate at different concentrations. The result of this study at a 95% confidence level using ANOVA, revealed a relationship between the susceptibility of the test isolate and the toxicant concentrations but the degree of susceptibility varied. The findings on the median lethal concentration LC50 of the chemical showed that Teepol was more toxic than BTC (164.53ppm > 95.41ppm) and Rigwash more toxic than Aquabreak (1358.45ppm >239.56ppm) because the lower the toxicity, the greater the LC50.


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