Determination of suitability of fat and protein rates in milk obtained from simmental and brown swiss cows to Europe Union and Turkish standards

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Research Paper 01/04/2020
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Determination of suitability of fat and protein rates in milk obtained from simmental and brown swiss cows to Europe Union and Turkish standards

Alirıza Şahin
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.16( 4), 20-23, April 2020.
Certificate: IJAAR 2020 [Generate Certificate]


In the study, it was aimed to determine the suitability of total milk fat and protein means of Simmental and Brown Swiss breeds grown in a private enterprise in Erzincan province to Turkey (T) and European Union (EU) standards. Fat and protein rates were measured in 14 milk samples taken from Simmental and Brown Swiss cows. In the comparison between the fat and protein means and reference values was used one sample t-test. When the reference values ​​specified by the EU and T and the total milk fat mean values ​​of the Simmental (3,8%) and Brown Swiss cows (3,7%) were compared, it was determined that the milk fat values ​​were similar to the reference values ​​of both standards (EU and T). Protein contents of both breeds (3,4% and 3,5% respectively) were found to be higher than the reference values ​​of the EU and T. Therefore, we can say that the total fat and protein values ​​of milk obtained from Simmental and Brown Swiss breeds were found to comply with EU and T reference values. It is advantageous for the two cow breeds to see compatible results according to the minimum 3.6% total fat and 3% protein desired in the European Union and the minimum 2.8% total fat and 3.5% protein value desired for Turkey.


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