Development and application of secondary vegetation-based biotechnology bokasi plus to increase soybean production on marginal dry land

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Research Paper 01/09/2019
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Development and application of secondary vegetation-based biotechnology bokasi plus to increase soybean production on marginal dry land

Nini Mila Rahni, Teguh Wijayanto, La Ode Safuan, M. Tufaila, Munirwan Zani
Int. J. Biosci.15( 3), 307-313, September 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The relatively low production of soybean in Indonesia is because the cultivations of soybeans are mostly conducted in marginal dry land areas. Effort to increase productivity of marginal dry land through the application of appropriate, effective, economical and environmentally friendly technologies is a suitable approach to support the growth and production of soybean in a sustainable manner. Biotechnology-based bokasi plus of secondary vegetation is potentially to be developed to overcome the problem. This study aimed to investigate the response of soybean crop to the applications of secondary vegetation-based biotechnology bokasi plus on marginal dry land. The study was conducted in Watuputih, Muna, Southeast Sulawesi Province, with the observed response variables were nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) uptake of plants, yield components and yield. Bokasi plus fertilizer affected all observation variables: N and P plant uptake, yield components (number of pithy pods, young pods, empty pods) and the number of seeds per plant and 100-seed weight) and yield (dry weight of pods). Applications of bokasi plus with the dose of 15 tons ha-1 gave the best effect on the weight of the dried pods of 702.46 g plot-1 (3.35 tons ha-1).

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