Diversity and agronomic impact of rice stem borer at Nkolbisson, Yaoundé-Cameroon (Central Africa)

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Research Paper 01/04/2015
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Diversity and agronomic impact of rice stem borer at Nkolbisson, Yaoundé-Cameroon (Central Africa)

Karine Moche, Champlain Djieto Lordon, Zéphirin Tadu, Didi Gaëlle Mokam, Paul Alain Nana, Zéphyrin Fokam, Noé Woin
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.6( 4), 181-189, April 2015.
Certificate: IJAAR 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Today, rice has become one of the most consumed cereals in Africa in general and Cameroon in particular. The low domestic production imposes a strong import that accentuates the country’s trade imbalance. To reduce this issue of external dependency, the national government is encouraging domestic production. However, producer’s efforts are inhibited by various constraints among which the pest attacks in general and in particular the stem borers. Data collection was based on sampling and incubation of white rice panicles in an experimental plots set up at Nkolbisson, Yaoundé. The susceptibility of rice varieties to different pest species was evaluated by comparing the frequency of pest species on their infested panicles. Among the NERICA rice lines, NERICA 3 had the greatest percentage of attacks panicles that was 41.96 % while NERICA 9 and 13 had the less percentage of attacks panicles that was 14.29 % for both of them. A total of three pest species were identified from the panicles incubated, Orseolia oryzivora, Chilo zacconius and Diopsis apicalis, O. oryzivora being the most frequent. NERICA 3 with 41.96% of incubated panicles appears to be the most susceptible variety, while the Japanese’s Akitakomachi and Fukuhibiki showed no attack. These results are discussed in relation to the total sugar content and polyphenol in different rice varieties studied.


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