Diversity and spatial distribution of stem borers and their natural enemies on off season sorghum, Sorghum bicolour (L.) Moench (Poaceae), in the Sudano-sahelian zone of Cameroon

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Research Paper 01/11/2015
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Diversity and spatial distribution of stem borers and their natural enemies on off season sorghum, Sorghum bicolour (L.) Moench (Poaceae), in the Sudano-sahelian zone of Cameroon

Ngatanko Iliassa, NgamoTinkeu S. Léonard, Mapongmestsem Pierre Marie
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.7( 5), 51-58, November 2015.
Certificate: IJAAR 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Lepidopteran stem borers are among the most damaging insect pests of cultivated Poaceae in Africa. The objective of this study was to assess the diversity and the relative abundance of Lepidopteran stem borers and evaluate the larva-pupalparasitization in farmer’s fields. Surveys were conducted during two transplanted sorghum’ cropping seasons (2012/2013 and 2013/2014) in 3 agro-ecological sub-units in the Sudano-sahelian zone of Cameroon: Mandaras’ piedmonts (MP), Diamare plain (DP), Logon valley (LV). Destructive method was used to collect caterpillars and pupae from plants according to developmental stages of the sorghum this was followed by their identification. Pupae were reared under laboratory conditions and emerging insects were recorded. They were the expected moths or their parasitoids. During the two years, 180 fields were sampled. Three stem borers’ species (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were identified and the most abundant being SesamiacreticaLederer (68.27%), followed by S. poephaga (27.54%) and then S. calamistis (0.19%). It was also appeared that S. cretica and S. poephaga were present in sampled areas whereas, S. calamistisoccurred only at LV. Parasitoids species obtained belong to 3 Orders: Hymenoptera,Diptera and Coleoptera. The most important pupalparasitoid of the zone was Tetrastichussp (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Highest parasitization (17.15±14.59%) was recorded at MD followed by LV (14.15±7.42%) and the DP (11.19±0.69%). Tetrastichussp is a potential biological control agent of stem borers and could be used in integrated pest management process to prevent economic damage ofthe sorghum by the borers.


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