Diversity and structure of Native trees on Mount Capayas key biodiversity area, Catmon, Cebu, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/05/2021
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Diversity and structure of Native trees on Mount Capayas key biodiversity area, Catmon, Cebu, Philippines

Edgardo P. Lillo, Archiebald B. Malaki, Steve Michael T. Alcazar, Raamah Rosales, Bernardo R. Redoblado, John Lou B. Diaz, Inocencio E. Buot Jr
J. Bio. Env. Sci.18( 5), 107-120, May 2021.
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The forest cover of Cebu Island was now less than 1% of its total land area due to rampant anthropogenic activities, leading to the extinction of many native trees and other biodiversity species. Assessing native trees on Mount Capayas Key Biodiversity Area was important in decision-making process particularly in the conservation of the area. Eight Permanent plots with 20m x 100m dimension were established in the study site. A total of 132 species were recorded in the area, classified into 54 families and 98 genera. Out of 132 species, 118 were native trees, five shrubs, seven ferns, and two vines, highlighted with three species as new record. Majority of the species were recorded in Plot number 2, 3, 5, and 8. Ten native trees were categorized as threatened, with one species considered as Critically Endangered, four Endangered, three Vulnerable, and two as Other Threatened Species. Mount Capayas has moderate species diversity (H’=2.74), dominated by Neonauclea calysina (Bartl. ex DC.) Merr. (14.95%). Majority of the native trees have a diameter of 10–19cm (79%) and basal area of 8.8 m2/ha. All this information on native trees were essential for the rehabilitation and conservation of Mount Capayas.


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