Diversity assessment of fruit-bearing tree species in Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University forest reserve

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Research Paper 18/03/2024
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Diversity assessment of fruit-bearing tree species in Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University forest reserve

Angelo L. Lozano, Mark Jerome L. Gimeno, Cindy E. Poclis, Jayric F. Villareal, Jay Mark G. Cortado
J. Bio. Env. Sci.24( 3), 174-184, March 2024.
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This study was conducted to determine the diversity of fruit-bearing tree species in Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University (DMMMSU) Forest Reserve. Specifically, the study aimed to inventory the fruit bearing tree species present in DMMMSU Forest Reserve, classify the fruit-bearing tree species in the study area, identify their conservation status, compute their importance value, and determine their distribution through diversity indices. There were 12 quadrats established with a dimension of 20 m x 20 m each. The study area was selected based on the presence of wide range of vegetation in DMMMSU Forest Reserve. There are 473 individual species identified at DMMMSU Forest Reserve belonging to 14 families with 24 species. One species recorded, Tectona philippinensis Benth. & Hook. f. Verbenaceae, was listed as endangered species. Coffea spp. had the highest density and importance value, and Mangifera indica L. had the highest frequency. The diversity indices had a relative value of moderate and high degree of diversity. Continuous protection of the Forest Reserve is therefore recommended. Planting of additional fruit-bearing tree species in the area with low diversity indices are recommended to increase diversity. Areas within the Forest Reserve with low plant diversity were recommended for planting and assisted natural regeneration programs using species with high importance value. Regular monitoring should be conducted in the Forest Reserve to assess the changes in diversity of fruit-bearing tree species to support decision-making and policy formulations.


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