Documentation of traditional herbal remedies for gynecological disorder in Women of Chitradurga District, Karnataka, India

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Research Paper 23/04/2023
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Documentation of traditional herbal remedies for gynecological disorder in Women of Chitradurga District, Karnataka, India

N. Mahesha, Shrishail
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 4), 168-174, April 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


A survey of medicinal plants used by the rural population of Chitradurga District, Karnataka, India. Gynaecological disorder is one of the most several conditions under reproductive health. Investigated and collected information from traditional practitioners on the medicinal plants use for treatment of gynaecological disorders in Chitradurga district. The ethnomedicinal information was collected through interview, informal meeting, and group discussions and overt observation with semi-structure questionnaires among traditional practitioners, has been made to assess the medicinal value of herbal healers. It is observed that the surrounding people are practicing traditional herbal medicine in their healthcare system. About 29 plant species belonging to 29 genera and 25 families are largely used as medicine, have been recorded from Chitradurga District. The most frequently used medicine plants were prepared in the form of paste and administrated orally. Where included there botanical and vernacular names, plants parts used, popular medicinal use form of preparation abdications of the herbal remedies are given.


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