Ecological gradient analysis and community structure of macrofungi in different climatic zones of Western Himalayas, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/01/2020
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Ecological gradient analysis and community structure of macrofungi in different climatic zones of Western Himalayas, Pakistan

Faizul Haq
J. Bio. Env. Sci.16( 1), 72-82, January 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


This paper communicates the analytical exploration of macrofungi of the western Himalayan region of Pakistan. The study was aimed to explore species diversity and community structure of macrofungi based on edaphic, topographic and climatic factors. Monte Carlo test were used for indicator species (P value ≤ 0.05). Sixty species of macrofongi were recorded from 65 stands during 2016-2018. The diversity index and species richness ​​were highest in the humid temperate zone. Multivariate analysis ranked the diversity of macrofungi from 65 stands to 5 myco-communities based on indicator species. Cluster analysis showed that among the environmental variables, the significant result was the contribution of temperature and pH (P= 0.0002), followed by moisture (P= 0.0004), organic matter (P= 0.0006), phosphorus (P= 0.04) and saturation (P= 0.12). Amanita oblongospora, Amanita pantherina, Bovista plumbea, Lycoperdon alpinum, Lycoperdon excipuliforma and Russula ilicis have shown significant results with more than two environmental variables. The diversity index of myco-communities significantly responds to climatic, edaphic, topographical and anthropogenic stimuli.


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