Effect of climatic gradient and age on wood productivity in cashew-based agroforestry systems

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Research Paper 01/04/2018
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Effect of climatic gradient and age on wood productivity in cashew-based agroforestry systems

Rolland Dossoumou, Alassan Assani, Charlemagne Gbemavo, Christine Ouinsavi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 4), 19-29, April 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Agroforestry have immense benefits for the environment and the farmer. Indeed, in an agroforestry system, the planted or preserved trees produce litter that releases after decomposition into the soil, biogenic elements as natural fertilizer suitable for cropping. But, several factors affect the biomass productivity in these systems. In this study, the wood biomass production in the cashew-based agroforestry systems was assessed following the rain fall gradient East-West and South-North in three agro ecological zones which are: the Center, the northern east and the northern west. The experimental design was a split plot with two factors associated each with three modalities as followed: young, middle age and old associated with plantation factor and south or east, central, and northern west associated with the factor rain fall gradient. Nine districts were investigated. Within each districts, tree classes of cashew plantation (8-12 years, 12-16years and 16-20years), were defined after the inventory step. Data on growth parameters were collected on twenty-seven plots with ten trees per plot, selected using the method of diagonals. Data analysis revealed that the age of plantations was significantly affected the wood productivity (total branch and stem, p <0.1%).The effect of the climatic gradient was significant (p <0.05) on the stem and branch wood productivity from east to west. However, south-north climatic gradient effect was significant only on total wood productivity as well as branch wood productivity. The combined effect of the two side climatic gradients revealed that the wood productivity in cashew-based agroforestry systems is not related to associated rainfall, but plantations’ age. It could be deduced that the age of the cashew trees is key factor that determines their wood productivity.

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