Effect of fertilizer placement for different tillage options on the growth and yield of wheat

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Research Paper 01/02/2018
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Effect of fertilizer placement for different tillage options on the growth and yield of wheat

Md. Ilias Hossain, Md. Israil Hossain, Md. Bodruzzaman, Md. Nur-E-Alam Siddquie, Md. Moksadul Amin, Md. Shahidul Haque
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.12( 2), 15-23, February 2018.
Certificate: IJAAR 2018 [Generate Certificate]


To enhance the improvement of wheat yield, a two years field experiment was conducted to find the effect of fertilizer placement with different tillage options. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with fifteen treatments: i) zero tillage plus fertilizer in between rows, ii) zero tillage plus fertilizer in seed line, iii) zero tillage plus fertilizer in broadcast, iv) strip tillage plus fertilizer in between rows, v) strip tillage plus fertilizer in seed line, vi) strip tillage plus fertilizer in broadcast, vii) bed planting plus fertilizer in between rows, viii) bed planting plus fertilizer in seed line, ix) bed planting plus fertilizer in broadcast, x) PTOS plus fertilizer in between rows, xi) PTOS plus fertilizer in seed line, xii) PTOS plus fertilizer in broadcast, xiii) conventional tillage plus fertilizer in between rows, xiv) conventional tillage plus fertilizer in seed line and xv) conventional tillage plus fertilizer in broadcast.  Using above treatments, the grain yields were recorded as 4.22, 3.89, 3.55, 4.39, 4.19, 3.84, 4.16, 3.89, 3.62, 4.01, 3.85, 3.94, 3.94, 3.44, 3.34 t ha-1 respectively for 2010-2011 and 3.63, 3.57, 3.50, 3.50, 3.73, 3.63, 4.60, 4.20, 4.47, 3.80, 3.57, 3.63, 4.20, 3.63, 3.53 t ha-1 respectively for 2011-2012 years.  The maximum yield was found for strip tillage plus fertilizer placement in between rows in 2010-2011 and bed planting plus fertilizer placement in between rows in 2011-2012 years showing the strategy might be a significant tool for getting higher yield of wheat.


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