Effect of fertilizers, time of pinching and harvesting method on growth and yield of spider plant (Cleome gynandra)

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Research Paper 01/11/2018
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Effect of fertilizers, time of pinching and harvesting method on growth and yield of spider plant (Cleome gynandra)

George Chemining’wa, Jane Lukachi Ambuko, Sam Koile
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.13( 5), 9-21, November 2018.
Certificate: IJAAR 2018 [Generate Certificate]


A study was conducted at Kabete Field Station, University of Nairobi to assess the effect of fertilizers, time of pinching and harvesting method on growth and yield of spider plant. Fertilization options (no-fertilizer control, 200 kg/ha di-ammonium phosphate, 10 t/ha chicken manure and 100 kg/ha di-amonium phosphate + 5 t/ha chicken manure), pinching (early pinching and late pinching) and harvesting method (piecemeal and wholesome harvesting) treatments were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with a factorial arrangement. Data were subjected to analysis of variance using Genstat software and means separated using the least significant difference test at P≤0.05. Fertilizer application, late pinching and wholesome harvesting significantly (p<0.05) increased fresh and dry leaf yield, number of leaves and branches per plant, plant height and canopy span. Application of 100 kg DAP/ha + 5 t/ha manure out-yielded the other treatment combinations in all the measured parameters. For instance, it produced the highest leaf yields of 1803.3 and 1740.9 kg/ha in the first and second season, respectively. Late pinching increased leaf yields by 1419.8 and 1385.2 kg/ha in first and second season, respectively, as compared to early pinched plants. Wholesome harvested plants had significantly higher leaf yields of 1411.1 and 1311 kg/ha than piecemeal harvested ones, in the first and second season, respectively. The results of this study show that growth and leaf yield of spider plant can be substantially increased by practicing fertilizer application, late pinching and wholesome harvesting.


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