Effect of filter cake and bagasse on selected physicochemical properties of calcareous sodic soils at Amibara, Ethiopia

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Research Paper 01/05/2019
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Effect of filter cake and bagasse on selected physicochemical properties of calcareous sodic soils at Amibara, Ethiopia

Bethel Nekir, Lemma Wogi, Solomon Tamiru
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.14( 5), 20-28, May 2019.
Certificate: IJAAR 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Salinity  and  aridity  are  two  interrelated  problems  rapidly  expanding  in  Ethiopia and  formation of soil with calcareous sodic property in Amibara irrigated farms is becoming a threat to crop productivity. A field experiment was conducted at Werer Agricultural Research Center to assess ameliorative impacts of sugar industry by-products; filter cake (FC) and bagasse (Bg) on properties of salt affected soil. Composite surface soil samples before experiment and from each treatment after harvest were collected and analyzed. Soil analysis revealed that bulk density and total porosity were significantly affected by combined application of FC and Bg. Chemical properties total N, available P and pH, organic carbon, electrical conductivity and cation exchange capacity were significantly (P<0.05) affected by the interaction of FC and Bg. The lowest pH (8.12) relative to the control (8.59) was recorded from 20t ha-1 + Bg10t ha-1 FC combined application. Plot received 10t ha-1 Bg + 20t ha-1 FC showed 84.01% reduction of exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP). It could be concluded that use of sugar industry by-products (filter cake and bagasse) can ameliorate the adverse impact of ESP.


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