Effect of fresh pollen pellets and pollen balls coated with and without beeswax on the life history parameter of bumblebee (Bombus terrestris)

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Research Paper 01/05/2015
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Effect of fresh pollen pellets and pollen balls coated with and without beeswax on the life history parameter of bumblebee (Bombus terrestris)

Muhammad Imran, Munir Ahmad, Muhammad Naeem, Shafqat Saeed, Muhammad Farooq Nasir, Asif Ahmad, Muhammad Nasir, Umer Ayyaz Aslam Sheikh
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 5), 144-153, May 2015.
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This investigation deals with the possible effect of fresh pollen pellets and pollen balls coated and without coated with beeswax on the life history parameter of bumblebee and their consumption rate. At the colony initiation stage it found that mother queen start egg laying earlier (6.1±0.82 days) at pollen patties without coated with beeswax as compared to at coated with beeswax and fresh pollen pellet. Similarly emergence of the first worker from the first batch of the colony also early (26.3±0.83 days) at pollen patties without coated of beeswax. Other two stages of the colony i.e. at colony foundation stage and the colony maturation stage it found that the pollen patties with one coat of beeswax had best for bumblebee rearing. According to the consumption rate of pollen during the 24hr of observation it found that at the colony initiation stage, colony foundation stage and colony maturation stage large amount of pollen consumption was found in fresh pollen pellets because to attack of wax moth on fresh pollen was also high. The best consumption rate was found at pollen patties with one coat of beeswax. So it found that at colony initiation stage pollen patties without beeswax coat was best and at colony foundation stage and colony maturation stage pollen patties with one coat of beeswax was best.


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