Effect of incorporating varying amount of soy protein on nutritional composition and sensory quality of beef patties

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Research Paper 01/07/2017
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Effect of incorporating varying amount of soy protein on nutritional composition and sensory quality of beef patties

Gourpada Biswas, Most. Nurtaj Khatun
Int. J. Biosci.11( 1), 332-342, July 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Meat is an important source of protein and essential nutrients including iron, zinc, vitamin B12 and folic acid .The cost of animal source protein is increasing day by day. So it is necessary to investigate the use of cheaper and nutritive alternatives in various meat industries. In this study, complete randomized design (CRD) having five treatments with three replications was used. Soy meat was incorporated to replace beef at 0% (T0), 25% (T1), 50% (T2), 75% (T3) and 100% (T4) levels in beef patties. The physico-chemical properties including moisture (%), crude protein (%), ether extract (%), ash (%), carbohydrate (%), pH, cooking yield (%) and cooking loss (%); sensorial characteristics (appearance, aroma, texture and taste) and color parameter (L*, a*, b*, c* and h*) were determined. The results indicated that the incorporation of soy meat decreased crude protein, ether extract but increased cooking yield, ash in beef patties samples. Highly significant (<0.0001) difference was observed in moisture, crude protein, ether extract, ash, carbohydrate and cooking yield. pH of all the samples decreased with the advancement of storage time but increased with the incorporation of soy meat. There was highly significant (<0.0001) difference found in pH. L* values increased and a* values decreased with high level of soy meat incorporation. No significant difference was observed in color parameter except in L* values. Production cost was reduced for incorporating soy meat in beef patties. Beef patties treated with 50% and 75% soy meat found to be more acceptable in terms of sensory evaluation.


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