Effect of inorganic and organic fertilizers on soil properties with vegetative growth and yield quality of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in Bangladesh

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Research Paper 01/11/2017
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Effect of inorganic and organic fertilizers on soil properties with vegetative growth and yield quality of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in Bangladesh

Md. Monirul Islam, Mohammad Kabirul Islam, Ram Proshad, Md. Sazedul Islam, Md. Shozibul Islam, Tapos Kormoker, K. M. M. Masum Billah
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.11( 5), 37-46, November 2017.
Certificate: IJAAR 2017 [Generate Certificate]


A field experiment was conducted on sweet pepper for yield and quality of fruits using different types of organic and inorganic fertilizers at the farm of Patuakhali Science and Technology University. Inorganic and organic fertilizers treatments were tested on California variety of sweet pepper. The fertilization treatments were T1, (Urea +TSP+ MOP): (260+120+124) kg/ha; T2, Cow dung: 9 t/ha; T3, Poultry manure: 7 t/ha; T4, (Urea + cow dung): (195kg +2.5 t/ha); T5,( Urea + poultry manure): (180 kg + 2t/ha); T6, (Urea + cow dung): (130kg + 4.5 t/ha); T7, (Urea + poultry manure): (140kg +3 t/ha);T8, Control: no manure and fertilizer. Randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates were used to conduct this experiment. Physiochemical properties of soil were increasing after harvesting of sweet pepper. Obtained results showed that urea with cow dung (130kg + 4 tons)/ha (T6) increased sweet pepper production. Combined application of urea with cow dung showed significant increase in leaves number per plant (174), Leaf area (48.6cm2), Root/canopy (15.2%), Plant fresh weight (378.5g), No. of fruits/plant (16.6), Fruit length (9.9cm), Fruit diameter (5.8cm), Average green fruit weight (142.1g), Average dry fruit weight (84.6g), yield/replicate (38.5Kg), no. of branching (10.6). Urea with cow dung influenced the total yield per replicate and extended the period of pepper fruit production compared to other treatments.


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