Effect of metabolite of Tamarix aphylla against liver fibrosis in Balb-c mice

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Research Paper 01/08/2019
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Effect of metabolite of Tamarix aphylla against liver fibrosis in Balb-c mice

Sanobar Gull, Razia Noreen, Shazia Anwer Bukhari, Muhammad Shareef Masoud, Muhammad Qasim
Int. J. Biosci.15( 2), 490-502, August 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The main focus of this research was the characterization of ethanol extract of Tamarix aphylla  leaf (EETAL) to explore the antioxidant profile and hepatoprotective activity against CCl4 liver injury in mice. The EETAL was used for phytochemical study; phenolics and flavonoids content (185.66± 3.05 mg GAE/g and 194.66±1.52 mg QE/g). In vivo studies, mice were allocated randomly into four groups, each group comprises of six mice. Liver was injured by CCl4 of (2-4) groups to analyze the liver marker enzyme. Lowest value of superoxide dismutase (SOD), Glutathione peroxidase and catalase (10.26±1.07, 1.05 ±0.08, 6.91 ± 0.30) in CCl4 treating group but normal in G4 group EETAL treated group (SOD, Gpx and catalase: 19.08±1.25, 2.47 ± 0.17, 12.41±0.30) remains nearer to the control group (SOD, Gpx and catalase: 25.37± 1.11, 2.96± 0.37, and 12.56±0.92) or silymarin group (SOD, Gpx and catalase: 21.18± 1.05, 2.56 ±0.15, 12.64±0.54) respectively. The values of lipid peroxidation and MDA (22.51 ± 1.15, 7.49± 0.15) were significantly higher in CCl4 treating group as compare to the normal group (LPO and MDA: 10.39± 0.05, 2.49± 0.03) and decrease in group 4 treated with EETAL (13.75 ±0.10, 2.34± 0.09). The high level of serum marker enzyme in CCl4 group (AST, ALT, ALP, and Bilirubin total: [(213.6±5.4, 264.16±5.9, 306.3±4.9, 1.41±0.3) IU/L]. The EETAL recover the serum level [(AST: 43.35±2.65, ALT: 53.5± 2.8, ALP: 178.33±2.1) IU/L]. The histopathological examination showed improvement in cellular architecture with EETAL. The results of present research demonstrated the protective effect of EETAL against liver fibrosis in mice.


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