Effect of Mg,Cu,Cd and Mg/Cd, Cu/Cd on stress biomarkers in durum wheat.

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Research Paper 01/10/2016
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Effect of Mg,Cu,Cd and Mg/Cd, Cu/Cd on stress biomarkers in durum wheat.

N. N. Azizi, M. R. Djebar, H. Sbartai
Int. J. Biosci.9( 4), 102-113, October 2016.
Certificate: IJB 2016 [Generate Certificate]


This work aims to evaluate the effects of few trace metals (Cd,Cu) and a major element (Mg) and their interactions (Cd/Cu and Cd/Mg) on the growth rate of durum wheat roots (Var. Simeto) and stress biomarkers: glutathione and catalase activity (CAT) in the roots and leaves of durum wheat. A treatment with concentrations (5,20,50μM)  of Cu and Mg  combined or not  to (100 µM) of Cd is applied. The results show an increase growth rate for all Mg concentrations whereas copper has stimulating at low concentrations and inhibiting at high concentrations. As for combinations Mg/Cd and Cu/Cd, inhibit root growth except at [100 µM] of Cd stimulating it during the first 96 hours. However GSH is stimulated at low [Mg/Cd] and  increasing concentrations  of Cu except the lowest dose where no significant increase is observed. GSH levels are stimulated at low concentrations of Cu/Cd and 100µM of Cd in the roots compared to controls. In addition, increasing concentrations of Mg increase the production of GSH, So that an inhibition of GSH for combination treatment Mg/Cd. should be noted that Cu has no effect on GSH except at (50 /100µM). Meanwhile, the catalase activity is stimulated to the different concentrations of Mg and Mg/Cd in the plants. Unlike increasing Cu concentrations where there is a significant decrease in this activity. Similarly, the combined treatment (Cu/Cd) inhibits catalase activity [ 50/100 µM ] in roots and leaves. In the end, Cd induces catalase activity in leaves and inhibits in the roots.

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