Effect of Mycotoxins on Rheological Characteristics of Stored Wheat

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Effect of Mycotoxins on Rheological Characteristics of Stored Wheat

Mahvish Jabeen Channa, Allah Bux Ghanghro, Irshad Hussain Ghanghro, Saghir Ahmed Sheikh, Shafi Muhammad Nizamani
Int. J. Biosci.8( 4), 103-110, April 2016.
Certificate: IJB 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Wheat and their products are the chief source of food and energy globally. Wheat grain quality are lessen due to mycotoxin contamination and becomes a major cause of illness or death in human and animals. Flour superiority determined by eminence of protein gluten presence into various products, also some chemical, biochemical and physical characteristics principally examined for the products prepared from wheat flour for this purpose some experiential rheological tests are used to assess quality of flour and its usage in specific baked products. During storage wheat contaminated with various mycotoxin due to poor storage conditions, improper moisture and temperature control. For to analyze the mycotoxins effects on quality of wheat, the wheat samples were taken from the eleven storage houses of Hyderabad division and the results revealed that samples contaminated with mycotoxin found with damaged gluten fractions because protein and starch start to break due to proteolytic action of amylolytic enzymes. From the study it was concluded that wheat quality reduced by fungus availability which deteriorate and break the glutinious complexes.


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