Effect of planting time on the growth and yield of different aromatic rice varieties

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Research Paper 09/09/2023
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Effect of planting time on the growth and yield of different aromatic rice varieties

Parvin Akter Bithy
Int. J. Biosci.23( 3), 147-157, September 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


The experiment was conducted at the Research Field of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University (SAU), Dhaka during Aman season, 2020-2021 to effect of planting time on the growth and yield of different aromatic rice verities. The experiment consisted of two factors: A) Varieties-Badshabhog (V1), Modhumala (V2), Chiniatap (V3), Kataribhog (V4), Zirabhog (V5), Kalizira (V6), and B) Transplanting time – T1 = (20 DAS), T2 = (30 DAS), T3 = (40 DAS). The two factor experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications and the differences between means were separated by both Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DMRT) and Least Significant Difference (LSD) test at 5% level of probability. In case varieties, highest Plant height, No. of tiller plant-1, Booting of 50% plant, Emergence of (1st, 50, 100)% panicle, Starting of maturity, 100% maturity, Harvesting day (DAT), Life cycle (DAS) duration, Life cycle duration (DAT), No. of fertile tiller plant-1, No. of sterile tiller plant-1, Length of panicle, Seed weight plant-1, Dry weight plant-1, No. of filled grain panicle-1, No. of unfilled grain panicle-1, 1000grain weight, Grain weight plant-1, Straw weight plant-1, Biological yield (ton ha-1), Grain yield (ton ha-1 ), Straw yield (ton ha-1), was V5, V2, V4, V4, V4, V4, V5, V5, V5, V5, V5, V2, V6, V5, V4, V6, V6, V5, V4, V4,V1, V1, V4, V6 respectively and lowest grain yield ha-1 was observed in V5(3.5h) ton ha-1. In case of transplanting time, most of the yield character and highest grain yield was observed in T3 (40 days seedling age), and others no significant difference. In case interaction, highest Plant height, No. of tiller plant-1, Booting of 50% plant, Emergence of (1st, 50, 100)% panicle, Starting of maturity, 100% maturity, Harvesting day (DAT), Life cycle (DAS) duration, Life cycle duration (DAT), No. of fertile tiller plant-1, No. of sterile tiller plant-1, Length of panicle, Seed weight plant-1, Dry weight plant-1, No. of filled grain panicle-1, No. of unfilled grain panicle-1, 1000grain weight, Grain weight plant-1, Straw weight plant-1, Biological yield (ton ha-1), Grain yield (ton ha-1 ), Straw yield (ton ha-1), was V5T1, V4T1, V4T1, V4T1, V4T1, V4T1, V5T1, V5T1, V5T3, V5T1, V5T3, V2T2, V3T2, V5T1, V4T1, V4T1, V6T2, V1T1, V5T1, V5T2,V4T3, V1T1, V1T1, V4T3 and V1T1 respectively. The results of the numerous characters evaluated in the studies also revealed that there are certain beneficial characters in local aromatic rice cultivars that can be exploited through breeding.


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