Effect of soil and foliar application of nitrogenous fertilizers on growth and budding of sweet orange

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Research Paper 01/12/2018
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Effect of soil and foliar application of nitrogenous fertilizers on growth and budding of sweet orange

Imran Habib Khan, Muhammad Sajid, Shujaat Ali, Syed Asim Shah Bacha, Rahmatullah Khan, Faheem ul Haq, Muhammad Noman Khan
Int. J. Biosci.13( 6), 109-114, December 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


This field experiment was conducted to investigate the soil and foliar application of nitrogenous fertilizers on growth and budding of sweet orange. Different sources of nitrogenous fertilizes (urea, ammonium sulphate and ammonium nitrate)and application method (soil application and foliar application), were used to check the growth characters. The overall best performed was recorded in ammonium nitrate treatment for almost all parameters; rootstock length (35.62 cm), rootstock stem diameter (11.63 mm), number of leaves rootstock-1(35.49), bud take success (97.03 %), scion length (39.96 cm), scion stem diameter (15.90mm) and number of leaves scion-1 (40.33).Whereas, Among different application methods, foliar application of fertilizer showed significant increase in rootstock length (30.50 cm), rootstock stem diameter (9.66 mm), number of leaves rootstock-1(30.71), bud take success (92.38 %), scion length (33.74 cm), scion stem diameter (13.69 mm) and number of  leaves scion-1 (35.11. it is concluded that ammonium nitrate and foliar application of fertilizer should be combined for successful budding of sweet orange on sour orange rootstock under the agro climatic conditions of Peshawar.

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