Effect of soybean meal substitution with okara in growing rabbits in fattening phase in northern Benin
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Effect of soybean meal substitution with okara in growing rabbits in fattening phase in northern Benin
The food of rabbits constitutes one of the major constraints in rabbit breeding. To mitigate this constraint, the valorization of the by-products locally available can be considered. This trial aims at determining the effect of soybean meal substitution by okara, in fattening rabbit feed, to reduce feeding costs. 144 locals rabbits aged 41 ± 2 days weighing on average 524 ± 1.1 g were used for an experiment during 8 weeks. They were divided into three equal and homogeneous batches (48 rabbits /group). Group 1 had received the experimental feed: R1 basic diet (2457 ED / kg, 16.4% crude protein and 14.3% crude fiber); Group 2, diet R2 (2455 ED / kg, 16.4% crude protein and 13.7% crude fiber) and group 3 received the R3 diet (2455 ED / kg, 16.4% protein crude and 14.0% crude fiber). The data were subjected to one-way analysis of variance using R 3.14. No significant difference (p>0.05) was observed in the growth rate of young rabbits in the three batches. Nevertheless, the weight gain was higher (p>0.05) in group 3 (16.7 vs. 14.7 vs. 14.5 g/d) in the respective lots 1 and 2. Similarly, there is no significant difference (p>0.05) between the consumption indices of the young rabbits of the three groups. The best carcass yield was obtained with the rabbits of group 3. The highest net profit is 729 FCFA for the food of group 3. The food R3 can therefore be recommended for the fattening of rabbits.
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Cham Donald Adégbéïga Alabi, Yao Akpo, Alassan Assani Seidou, Hilaire Sorébou Sanni Worogo, Yaya Idrissou, Maximilien Azalou, Josias Adjassin, Brice Assogba, Ibrahim Alkoiret Traoré (2018), Effect of soybean meal substitution with okara in growing rabbits in fattening phase in northern Benin; IJAAR, V13, N3, September, P1-10
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