Effect of sucrose and fat aroma on the perception of sweetness and fattiness of milk

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Research Paper 01/06/2019
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Effect of sucrose and fat aroma on the perception of sweetness and fattiness of milk

Sham Lal, Nisar Ahmed Kanhar, Pardeep Kumar, Om Parkash, Anwar Hussain Phulpoto Majid Ali Maitlo, Muzafar Hussain Sirohi, Ameer Ahmed Mirbahar, Abdul Majid, Safdar Ali Ujjan, Javed Ahmed Ujjan, Majeeda Ruk, Sapna, Richard James Marshall
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 6), 70-76, June 2019.
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Sensory methodology was used to examine the effect of fat aroma on the perception of fattiness and sweetness of milk. Four samples of milk (5% fat-5% sweet, 5% fat-10% sweet, 10% fat-5% sweet and 10% fat-10% sweet) were prepared by using sucrose for sweatiness and cream for fattiness. The samples prepared were presented to twelve trained panellists. Their response was recorded and analysed by using Compusense software. Significant difference (p<0.05) was found in sweet perception, whereas, no significant difference (p>0.05) was observed in fat perception. Descriptive analysis suggested that rating of sweetness intensity rose with the increase of both sucrose and fat concentration. In contrast, rating of fat content of milk was poorly linked to fat stimulus. It was concluded that fat aroma does effect on the perception of sweetness whereas, increasing concentration of sucrose levels masked the fattiness of milk. The finding suggests that sucrose disguises the sensory attribute of fat in milk and this phenomenon can assist to describe why sweet-high fat food products are usually regarded only as carbohydrate rich foods. These findings will help food industrialist to adjust the fat content of food products since this can effect on the taste perception. Moreover, the understanding about effect of fat on the sensory properties of milk will help in developing fat alternatives for addition to fat-free milk.


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