Effect of sucrose on inducing in vitro microtuberization in potato without using any growth hormone

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Research Paper 01/07/2015
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Effect of sucrose on inducing in vitro microtuberization in potato without using any growth hormone

Ayesha Wazir, Zishan Gul, Manzoor Hussain, Zaheer Ullah Khan, Maria Saleem, Isma Khurshid
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.7( 1), 118-124, July 2015.
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The present in vitro experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of the various concentrations of sucrose on potato plantlets growth and microtuberization. It was observed that increasing sucrose level in the media influenced the plant growth negatively. 3% sucrose concentration in the medium showed comparatively early root/shoot emergence and highest mean root and shoot length (6.16 cm and 8.28 cm, respectively) with greater number of nodes (7.90). However, regarding microtubers (Mt) formation, treatment with 8% sucrose concentration has higher microtubers number with larger size (mean diameter 6.84mm). The mean weight of Mt was also highest (97.0mg) at 8 % sucrose concentration followed by T1 (70.00mg). It has been concluded on the basis of results that MS medium supplemented with 8% sucrose level and without any growth hormone is the best for in vitro microtuber formation in potato.


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