Effect of water management schemes on the growth and yield performance of green super rice genotypes

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Research Paper 01/04/2019
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Effect of water management schemes on the growth and yield performance of green super rice genotypes

Michael M. Uy
Int. J. Biosci.14( 4), 148-157, April 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Water is the single most important component for sustainable rice production, especially in the traditional rice growing areas in the Philippines. Producing more rice with less water is therefore a formidable challenge to feed its growing population. The following treatment combinations were used: Factor A – Water Management Schemes (mainplots) which include the following: a1 – Alternate Wetting and Drying, a2 – Continuous Flooding, and a3 – Field Capacity. Factor B –Rice Genotypes assigned as subplots to include: b1 – GSR 1, b2 – GSR 5, b3 – GSR 8, b4 – GSR 12A and b5 – NSIC 222. The experiment was laid out using Split-plot Design with three replications from January to May 2016.Water management schemes as a single factor did not show significant effect in almost all the parameters measured, neither was there significant interaction between the two factors tested in the experiment on all the data observed except for the root length which shows significant result. The yield of different rice genotypes as affected by different water management schemes showed significant result (P>0.01), where GSR 5 out yielded all the other genotypes tested with a ranged yield of 5.93 – 6.92 tons/ha. The green super rice genotypes like GSR 5, GSR 8 and GSR 12 are recommended since they do not differ significantly from NSIC 222 (check variety) in terms of yield.


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