Effect of xanthan and carboxymethyl cellulose gums on some physical and sensory characteristics of baslvq

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Research Paper 01/02/2015
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Effect of xanthan and carboxymethyl cellulose gums on some physical and sensory characteristics of baslvq

Shamsborhany Roonak, Ghiassi Tarzi Babak, Seyyedin Ardabily Mehdi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 2), 249-258, February 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Starch and gums are hydrocolloids which frequently used in food systems to provide proper texture, moisture and shelf life of the food. Starch-gum interaction in food systems can change the starch gelatinization and physical properties. The present study aimed to investigate the influence of the addition of xanthan gum and carboxymethyl cellulose at the concentrations of the (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3% (w / w) on the physical properties (moisture content, retrogradation, breaking force and rupture strength) and sensory properties of wheat starch and after storage of 1,30 and 60 days were analysed. The texture profile analysis(TPA) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) of the starch gels were also evaluated. All hydrocolloids were also able to reduce the loss of moisture content during baslvq storage, reducing the dehydration rate of starch gel. xanthan gum and carboxymethyl cellulose at the concentration( respectively 0.2%, 0.1%(w/w ) in the mixed gel appeared to result in a lower change in textural properties during storage. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to characterize the behaviour of wheat starch with and without additives. Results showed that xanthan gum and carboxymethyl cellulose gum retarded the retrogradation of wheat starch at investigated temperature (6 °c refrigeration). Carboxymethyl cellulose gum retarded retrogradation of wheat starch more than xanthan gum. Additions of hydrocolloids caused a decrease in gelatinization enthalpy of wheat starch. Sensory evaluation showed that samples containing 0.3 and 0.2% xanthan gum had the highest quality.


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