Effectiveness of various Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi doses on percentage the root infection of oil palm (Elaeis gunensis Jacq.) on peaty mineral soil

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Research Paper 01/06/2018
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Effectiveness of various Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi doses on percentage the root infection of oil palm (Elaeis gunensis Jacq.) on peaty mineral soil

Mula Narju, Ashabul Anhar, Syafruddin
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 6), 250-255, June 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


In Indonesia, the development of oil palm is still mostly done on the marginal land of one peat soil. The obstacle to oil palm development on peatlands is the low nutrient content available to plants. The use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is one of the alternatives to improve fertilizer efficiency. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of AMF on the percentage of AMF infections in the roots of oil palm plants in peat mineral soils. The research was conducted in farmers’ gardens. The oil palm plant used is 1.5 years old after being planted in the garden. This research uses non-factorial treatment design with AMF consist of 4 levels ie 0 gr/plants, 50 gr/plants, 100 gr/plants and 150 gr/plants. Each FMA treatment was repeated 3 times, so that 12 units of experimental units were obtained. Parameters observed included: percentage of root infections. The results showed that administration of several doses of FMA was very effective against the percentage of root infections.


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