Effectiveness of various salinity on leaf growth of Gazania

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Research Paper 01/09/2016
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Effectiveness of various salinity on leaf growth of Gazania

Iftikhar Ahmad, Sikandar Amanullah
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.9( 3), 1-9, September 2016.
Certificate: IJAAR 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Salt stress is induced by Nacl and it minimizes the growth owing to variation in interior plant structure. The present work was designed in line to investigate the behavior of Gazania harlequin (L.) seedlings were raised with dissimilar salt combinations (25 ppm, 50 ppm, 75 ppm & 100 ppm of NaCl solution). The CRD experiment with 4 repetitions was done. The NaCl treatments were repeated in 4 times with 20 days interval totally for 80 days after transplanting in pots. Anatomical observations were recorded by the microscope of in Nacl affected growth leaf. The results illustrated that salinity levels had negative effect on anatomical characters as (xylem region, phloem region, cortex region, epidermis region and density of leaf lamina). So, it is concluded from study that control treatment (without salinity effect) showed improved outcome comparatively others treatments which were under saline situation. As the salinity increases ultimately it affects leaf anatomy of plant.


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