Effects of altering palm oil and cassava mill effluents pH before dumping on dumpsite soils physico-chemical parameters and selected enzyme activities

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Research Paper 01/04/2013
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Effects of altering palm oil and cassava mill effluents pH before dumping on dumpsite soils physico-chemical parameters and selected enzyme activities

Chinyere Godwin Chinyere, Akubugwo Emmanuel Iroha, Ugbogu Eziuche Amadike
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 4), 46-58, April 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


The effects of altering the pH of palm oil mill effluents (POME) and cassava mill effluents (CME) on dumpsite soil’s physic-chemical parameters and selected enzyme activities was investigated after nine months of effluent dumping. Results indicated that the pH of these dumpsites changed from alkaline (pH7-10) to acid (pH4.5 ± 0.03– 6.9 ± 0.08). The POME dumpsite soil samples had significantly higher temperatures and percentage moisture contents (P<0.05) than the control sites. Calcium and aluminum ions concentrations were significantly high (P<0.05). Total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (N), acid phosphates, dehydrogenises and lipase enzyme activities were also higher (P<0.05) in the dumpsites than in the control. In the altered CME dumpsites, EA, CEC, acid phosphates enzyme activity, ammonium and aluminum ions were significantly higher (P<0.05) than in control sites while dehydrogenises and alkaline phosphates enzymes activities were significantly lower (P<0.05). The altering of POME and CME pH using calcium hydroxide seem a viable step towards remedying pollution problems posed by these effluents. This also implies that, such POME and CME pH alterations before dumping will assist in rejuvenating these effluents dumpsites soils for agricultural purposes.


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