Effects of rice-husk biochar and aluminum sulfate application on rice grain quality in saline-sodic soil of paddy-field

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Research Paper 01/12/2019
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Effects of rice-husk biochar and aluminum sulfate application on rice grain quality in saline-sodic soil of paddy-field

Gulaqa Anwari, Huang Xiaoxuan, Zhou Yiming, Yao Tianxu, Weng Wenan, Zhang Bowen, Wang Xin, Liu Qingtian, Shao Xiwen, Abdourazak Alio Moussa, Ajmal Mandozai, Jin Feng
Int. J. Biosci.15( 6), 325-333, December 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Rice is the second-largest under cultivated crop which is growing globally. However, there is little information about biochar addition particularly in combination with aluminum sulfate on rice grain quality under saline-sodic soil conditions. This study evaluated the effect of rice husk biochar and aluminum sulfate application on rice grain quality in saline-sodic soil. Rice was grown in pots with four treatments viz. “only NPK fertilizer, no biochar and aluminum sulfate (CK+F), aluminum sulfate (0.339g/kg of soil) with NPK fertilizer (A+F), rice husk biochar (30g/kg of soil) with NPK fertilizer (B+F), and biochar (30 g/kg of soil) + aluminum sulfate (0.339g/kg of soil) and NPK fertilizer (B+A+F)”. The results indicated that using biochar and aluminum sulfate improved significantly rice grain quality and production. There was observed that (B+A+F) treatment had performed the highest influence in most of the evaluated grain quality traits including amylose content, protein content, taste value, rough rice grain, brown rice rate, white rice rate, whiteness and transmission rate among all the different treatments. Thus, using biochar in combination with aluminum sulfate was revealed an effective and affordable way for improving rice grain quality and soil physicochemical properties in saline-sodic soils of paddy-field.

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