Effects of sugar metabolism on NaCl stress in rice

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Research Paper 01/07/2013
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Effects of sugar metabolism on NaCl stress in rice

Saeed Vazan, Sepideh Torabi
Int. J. Biosci.3( 7), 8-14, July 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Tow rice genotypes, salt-tolerant FL478 and salt sensitive IR29 from the IRRI (International Rice Research Institute) were used in this study. For the greenhouse trial, rice plants were grown in a hydroponic culture at ABRII (Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute of Iran). The average greenhouse temperature and humidity over the growth season was 28 ºC and 57%, respectively. A complete randomized design was used, with 4 replicates for each treatment. All samples were collected for metabolite measurements at IPK (Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research-Germany). Mean comparisons indicated that Na+ accumulation was more in blade of IR29 in salinity condition which showed that this genotype was not able to salt exclusion. The salt stress caused to reduce glucose in root of salt sensitive genotype (IR29) but in Fl478 it increased in salt stress. Glucose can play an important role as an osmotic solution in mitigation of salt effects in tolerant genotype. Fructose variations and its partitioning over the plant organs were similar to glucose in every genotype at stress and control condition. Total sucrose content in above ground organs was too more than root. Sucrose content in stress and control conditions were similar in IR478. It could be related to more tolerance of this genotype but this variation in IR29 was more accelerate. Starch content didn’t have significant difference in blade and root in control and stress conditions. Its content was very low in different organs and was less than glucose, fructose and sucrose content.


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