Effects of two organic amendments on EC, SAR and soluble ions concentration in a saline-sodic soil

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Research Paper 01/09/2013
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Effects of two organic amendments on EC, SAR and soluble ions concentration in a saline-sodic soil

Elnaz Sabbagh Tazeh, Ebrahim Pazira, Mohammad Reza Neyshabouri, Fariborz Abbasi, Hmid Zare Abyaneh
Int. J. Biosci.3( 9), 55-68, September 2013.
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The effects of a municipal solid waste compost and cow manure on chemical properties of a saline-sodic soil during 150 days incubation and leaching were studied. Two amendments were added to the soil at the rates of 1%, 3% and 5% by weight and incubated for 1 month. Leaching experiments then were conducted using 1, 2, 3 and 4 pore volumes of local irrigation water in 30 days intervals. The results indicated that application of manure and compost decreased soil EC by as much as 75.03% and 65.16% and SAR by 44.22% and 38.85%, respectively after 120 days and three stages of leaching. Soluble actions concentration increased after one month incubation and decreased there after by leaching operation, until the end of the experimental period. K+ was the only action whose concentration did not decrease considerably in soil solution. In most cases there was not a significant difference between leaching with 3 pv and 4 pv. Comparison between the various levels of both amendments showed that the efficiency of the application of 1% by weight of both amendments in improving the chemical characteristics of the soil was the same as the other levels.


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