Effects of using subsurface drip irrigation and treated municipal wastewater on olive (Olea. europaea L.)

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Effects of using subsurface drip irrigation and treated municipal wastewater on olive (Olea. europaea L.)

Khosro Estaki Oregoni
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 6), 67-74, December 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


The aim of this study was to evaluate and validate the effects of using treated wastewater on the vegetative growth and nutrients content of three years old zard olive (Olea. europaea L.) trees.The experiments were carried out for 4 years (2009 – 2013) in random complete blocks in three treatments with six repetitions. The treatments were: subsurface drip irrigation with wastewater (T1), subsurface drip irrigation with wastewater in 15 cm depth (T2) and subsurface drip irrigation with wastewater in 30 cm depth (T3). Wastewater from the treatment plant of the Boroujerd, Iran was used. The present study was designed to determine the effect of subsurface drip irrigation with wastewater in 30 cm depth as compared to other treatments had higher growth parameters, nutrients content and had seen significant difference. Another important finding was that drip irrigation T1 with wastewater, had lower growth parameters as compared to another treatments. In T3, plants absorb water and essential elements, better than other treatments because irrigation source is near the root zone.


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