Effets of two plants propagation methods on Jatropha curcas (L.) growth and seeds yield in Tandjilé region (Chad)

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Effets of two plants propagation methods on Jatropha curcas (L.) growth and seeds yield in Tandjilé region (Chad)

Kabé Hinlibé Karka, Megueni Clautilde, Tchobsala, Tchuenteu Tatchum Lucien
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.16( 4), 36-42, April 2020.
Certificate: IJAAR 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Field trial was carried out in Chad to investigate the effects of two plants propagation methods on productivity of Jatropha curcas L. cultivated in four localities (Djoun, Insatal, Laï-Djoum and Tchoua) at Tandjilé region in Chad. Planting was done following a randomized block design with four replications and two treatments (plants propagation methods: cuttings of stem and seedling). Physico-chemical properties of growing soils were assessed. The growing parameters and seeds yield were evaluated. Results shown that growing parameters and seeds yield were significantly different (p˂0.05) between both plants propagation methods and four study localities. J. curcas adapted better in Tchoua locality than other three experimental sites. Cuttings of stem exhibited the highest (104±1.9 Kg/ha) seeds yield while the lowest (88±3.7 Kg/ha) is observed under seedling plants propagation method in each of four study sites. It comes out from this study that plants propagation method using cuttings of stem can be recommended to farmers of Tandjilé region (Chad) to be integrated into their agricultural systems for J. curcas growth.


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