Efficacy of phytoextracts against fungal diseases of vegetables

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Efficacy of phytoextracts against fungal diseases of vegetables

Ehsan Haider, Muhammad Aslam Khan, Muhammad Atiq, Waqas Ashraf, Sonia Yaseen, Muhammad Ahmed Bilal, Urooj Akbar, Ishrat Fatima, Tayyaba Shahid
J. Bio. Env. Sci.16( 4), 71-82, April 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Vegetables are the most important source of healthy balanced diet for human beings as they contain essential nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants and dietary fibers. Significant economic losses caused by variety of pathogens including pests, bacteria, virus and fungi. Fungal pathogens majorly responsible for yield losses of vegetable crops. Chemical based synthetic fungicides are noxious and detrimental to environment as they deteriorate the food chain. Now a days ecofriendly managemental strategies are under discussion for healthy safe and sound exploration in scientific era. Jasmonate, glucosinolates, quinones and chitosan containing phytoextracts showed significant antifungal potential thus could be used as an effective alternative to synthetic fungicides. So, phytoextracts could be better choice for pre-harvest and post-harvest management of fungal diseases. Therefore, to avoid the serious consequences of chemicals on human health and environment there is need to focused on the botanical products as well as for betterment of conventional and non-conventional extraction techniques.


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