Efficient DNA extraction and purification protocol of medicinal plants which producing large amount of secondary metabolites

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Research Paper 01/06/2018
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Efficient DNA extraction and purification protocol of medicinal plants which producing large amount of secondary metabolites

Farhad Hariri Akbari, Mansoor Omidi, Sepide Torabi, Seyed Mostafa Pirseyedi, Sayyed Sajjad Moravveji, Mehdi Shafiee Alavijeh, Baharak Behjat Sasan, Saeed Parvaneh
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 6), 67-78, June 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Using medicinal plants is very valuable and beneficial. So, it is essential that the genetic and other molecular properties must be determined for the purposes of economy, sanitary and health, as well as maintaining natural diversity and avoiding the disappearance of endangered species in natural habitats. Although, Medicinal plants in various tissues and different stages of growth have varying amounts of organic compounds that make difficulties in the extraction process of genome in some cases or even impossible. Therefore, providing a convenient, fast, practical and low-cost method that works in all laboratories and situations with available materials seems very important. In this research, the genomic DNA has been extracted from various tissues and organs of different medicinal plant families. In addition, this protocol was achieved by studying, performing and using different methods of genomic extraction method on various medicinal plants. Whether the sample has been contaminated with different metabolites, rapid and efficient purification methods are available. The quantity and quality of the extracted DNA were determined by electrophoresis of 1% the Agarose gel and spectrophotometer tool respectively. The results show that the genomic DNA extracted is relatively pure and desirable. The results of this study have been used directly in various genetic molecular researches such as assessment of the genetic diversity with the AFLP molecular marker, transfer and gene over expression; it must be noted that the results of this study in similar resources were not observed and done for the first time.


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