Enrichment and isolation of endosulfan degrading microorganism from natural resource

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Research Paper 01/06/2012
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Enrichment and isolation of endosulfan degrading microorganism from natural resource

Ajit Kumar, P.J. John, I. Soni
J. Bio. Env. Sci.2( 6), 41-53, June 2012.
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The enrichment and isolation of microbes from natural resource for endosulfan degradation was carried out to search for the potential candidates for development of in situ bioremediation technology for endosulfan. Twelve soil samples, with history of Endosulfan application, were enriched for microorganisms that can utilize Endosulfan as carbon source in Carbon-Deficient Medium (CDM) or as sole source of sulfur in Non Sulfur Medium (NSM). Five monocultures (N1, N2, N3, N4 & N5) were obtained after Round 2 enrichment of 15 days each, which showed significantly prolific growth on NSM-agar supplemented with Endosulfan as sole sulfur source. On comparison of these monocultures for amount of pesticide degradation, microbial growth and the changes in pH of the medium, when grown in NSM with Endosulfan as sole source of sulfur, strain N2 showed maximum endosulfan degradation (92.2%), microbial growth (0.382) and reduction in media pH (52.78%). The culture conditions of strain N2 were optimized for maximum pesticide degradation. In an optimized culture condition, strain N2 degraded endosulfan upto 94.2% within 7 days, when estimated quantitatively by Gas-Chromatography Electron Capture Detection (GC-ECD) method. The study suggests that strain N2 is worth investigating for its biochemical and molecular characterization, to develop a valuable candidate for bioremediation of endosulfan.


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