Environmental conditions and zooplankton community structure in five ponds in Bertoua City, Cameroon (Central Africa)

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Research Paper 01/07/2020
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Environmental conditions and zooplankton community structure in five ponds in Bertoua City, Cameroon (Central Africa)

Gwladys Joelle Mogue Kamdem, Serge Hubert Zébazé Togouet, Beatrix Elisabeth Beisner, Joseph Guy Nziéleu Tchapgnouo, Janvier Kengne Tenkeu, Abraham Fomena
J. Bio. Env. Sci.17( 1), 48-57, July 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The degradation of surface water quality in Cameroon is linked to the absence of a functional waste management strategy. For such a strategy to be efficient, a general understanding of aquatic ecosystems will be of importance, these management strategies are particularly lacking in the eastern part of the country. To better understand and appreciate the ecosystems in the town of Bertoua, five ponds where chosen for the physicochemical and zooplankton communities analysis. Sampling on these ponds was conducted from March 2016 to April 2017 on a monthly basis. Samples for physicochemical analysis were collected at 20cm below water surface at the middle of each pond and measured were done following the recommendations of Rodier and Alpha. Biological samples were collected by filtering 50 liters of water through a 64µm mesh opening sieve. Identification was done using standard methods and identification keys. One-way ANOVA analysis was conducted to assess the potential differences between the different ponds base monthly observations. Although they are all hypereutrophic, with regard to the values of the physicochemical parameters, the five ponds showed no significant difference between them but, the structure of the zooplankton community remains very diverse. 118 zooplankton species have been identified in the five ponds. The distribution of zooplankton in these hydrosystems was mainly governed by the presence of organic matter. This study sheds light on the status and biological diversity of ponds in eastern Cameroon, data on which to rely to develop management strategies.


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