Estimating above-ground biomass and carbon stocks of Prosopis juliflora using allometric equations in drylands of Magadi, Kenya

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Research Paper 01/10/2018
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Estimating above-ground biomass and carbon stocks of Prosopis juliflora using allometric equations in drylands of Magadi, Kenya

RK Kyuma, JM Kinama, RG Wahome, VO Wasonga, Habineza M Jean Pierre
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.13( 4), 92-103, October 2018.
Certificate: IJAAR 2018 [Generate Certificate]


This research wanted to use Prosopis juliflorae weed for animal feed and climate change mitigation. Above-ground biomass and carbon stocks of Prosopis juliflora were estimated using allometric equations in floodplains and hillslopes landscapes of the drylands of Magadi in Kajiado, Kenya. Three hundred and twenty (320) Prosopis trees were sampled, out of which one hundred and twenty eight (128) were randomly selected and used for the development of the allometric equations. Basal diameter, diameter at breast height, crown width and tree heights were measured; and their fresh weights taken for the development of Prosopis biomass prediction models. Cubic and power models yielded better results than linear models in biomass prediction, with basal diameter being more reliable than diameter at breast height, crown width and height. Cubic curvilinear and power models for biomass prediction returned the better R2 values (0.82 and 0.98) for single and multistemmed Prosopis trees respectively. Validation of models revealed significant correlation between predicted and measured tree biomass, suggesting effectiveness of the models in biomass predictions. The dense and managed plots in the hilllslopes had the highest Prosopis biomass (44.13tons/ha) followed by dense and unmanaged plots (43.68tons/ha). The dense and unmanaged plots of the floodplains had lower estimates (34.15tons/ha) followed by dense and managed (28.01tons/ha). The moderately and sparsely dense plots in both landscapes recorded lower biomass (18.75 and 3.47tons/ha in hillslopes and 12.72 and 5.09tons/ha in floodplains). The effects of management were not significant in both the hillslopes and floodplains. Further studies were recommended with longer time frames of observations to assess the effect of management on biomass production.


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