Estimating the impacts of different fertilizers on the growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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Research Paper 01/07/2017
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Estimating the impacts of different fertilizers on the growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Syed Hassan Ali Shah, Abdul Rashid, Hazrat Sher, Eizat Wadan, Ishtiaq Ahmad, Murad Ali
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.11( 1), 17-23, July 2017.
Certificate: IJAAR 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The effects of different fertilizers on the growth and yield of wheat were examined. Five different plots including: Control plot, Urea treated plot, NPK treated plot, Natural manure treated plot and UREA+ NPK+ natural manure treated plot size 10.4m * 10.4m each were developed. For estimating their impacts 2.5 kg of NPK and urea was used at the rate of 100 kg per Acre, .375 kg of natural manure was used at the rate of 15000 kg per Acre. Other conditions such as, light exposure, irrigation, soil natures etc. were kept same for all plots. From each plot 500 plants were randomly selected. Their Height, dry weight (biomass), grain mass and grain numbers were analyzed.  Maximum average height was observed for Urea+ NPK+ Natural manure (39cm), for Urea it was 38cm, NPK 36cm, Natural manure 35cm and Control 24cm. Maximum plants weight was again observed for Urea+ NPK+ Natural manure that was 19.02kg, for Urea it was 18.78kg, for natural manure 15.05kg, for NPK it was recorded 13.29kg and for Control 10.94kg. Maximum grain weight was recorded for NPK 6.01kg, for Urea+ NPK+ Natural manure it was 4.46kg, for Urea 4.40kg, for Natural manure 4.09kg and for Control was 3.26kg, while maximum grain number was obtained for NPK 132531, for Urea+ NPK+ Natural manure 102482 grains were counted, for Urea 99453 grains, for Natural manure 95443 grains and for Control it was 80387. The conducted research therefore recommend fertilizers with adequate amount of N,P and K and appropriate timing for a soil fertilization.

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