Estimation of hybrid vigor for yield and yield related traits in tomato (Solanum lycopersicon MIll)

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Research Paper 01/01/2018
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Estimation of hybrid vigor for yield and yield related traits in tomato (Solanum lycopersicon MIll)

Adnan Rasheed, Shahoor Ahmed, Ghulam Mustafa Wassan, Abdul Malik Solangi, Muhammad Aamer, Hira Khanzada, Ayaz Ali Keerio, Abdul Qadeer, Israr Ahmed
Int. J. Biosci.12( 1), 160-167, January 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Proposed research study was conducted at the experimental field of DHRD, NARC Islamabad to estimate hybrid vigor for yield related traits in tomato. Study was more important to developed indeginious hybrids to compete the exiotic hybrids to meet the demands of locan farmers because seed of exiotic hybrid is very costly. Line x Tester anakysis was used to developed hybrids. Nine parents, 15 F1s were used in experiment. Heterotic analysis depicted that all hybrids were found superior for plant height, no. of flowers cluster-1, no. of fruits cluster-1, plant height, single fruit weight and fruits setting % cluster-1 and some hybrids showed negative heterosis and heterobeltiosis for no. of clusters plant-1, no. of branches plant-1, no. of locules fruit-1 and yield plant-1. For days to 50% flowering and days to 50% fruits maturity most F1s were superior. For no. of flowers cluster-1Naginax 17905 and Nagina x BSX-935 for no. of fruits cluster-1 Naginax BSX-935 and Riogrande xBSX-935, for single fruit weight, Riogrande x Continental and Riogrande x 17905, for fruit sett % cluster-1 Roma x BSX-935 and Pakit x BSX-935 were superior and heterosis could be exploited in these F1s for said traits. On the bais of key findings it was concluded that Nagina x 17905 (152.52*, 120.58*), Roma x 17905 (125.14**, 115.05**) and RomaxBSX-935 (123.10**, 77.21**) expressed highly significant heterosis and heterobeltiosis for yield plant-1 as these hybrids could be used in future breeding programme.


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