Ethnobotanical study of plant non timber forest products in the coastal area of Cameroon: Cases of Yabassi and Mouanko

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Ethnobotanical study of plant non timber forest products in the coastal area of Cameroon: Cases of Yabassi and Mouanko

Jeanne Flore Nnanga, Richard Jules Priso, Alain Bertrand Dongmo, Ndongo Din
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 1), 225-239, January 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


In order to preserve and value plant Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) in the coastal area, a study was conducted in three villages of Yabassi and Mouankoalso in Cameroon. Ethnobotanical surveys, interviews, and direct observations were carried out with 132 households notably (74 and 58 respectively). Results showed that social class whose age was between 15 and 60 years was the main workforce in the collection of NTFPs of both localities. Females and children were most involved in the collection of these NTFPs. Agriculture, fishing and hunting were the main activities identified in both study areas. It was observed that 67 and 71 species, respectively inYabassi and Mouanko,were the most used. The types of uses were food, traditional medicine, traditional rites and timber. The commercialized forest species were: Baillonella toxisperma, Garcinia kola, Irvingia gabonensis and Scorodophleus zenkeri. Four main collection toolswere perch, machete, ax and saw.Picking and collection were the most used processes.For local uses of forest resources, the results indicated that the sustainability of timber resources use was not compromised, because their useswere marginal. However, the sustainability of local uses of NTFPs is uncertain. Economic or food dependency of local people on these resources, their representation in the forest and the importance of the forest for these peoplealso compromised the sustainability of local uses of these resources. Sustainable farming and efficient conservation need to be envisaged for promote and perpetuate exploitation of NTFPs in both localities.


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