Etiologies of acute respiratory infections in children aged 1 to 59 months in Niger

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Research Paper 01/07/2017
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Etiologies of acute respiratory infections in children aged 1 to 59 months in Niger

Sani Ousmane, Ibrahim D. Dano, Kamaye Moumouni, Soumana Alido, Issa Idi, Jean-Paul. M. Pelat, Jean-Marc Collard
Int. J. Micro. Myco.6( 1), 16-23, July 2017.
Certificate: IJMM 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Respiratory infections remain an important cause of morbidity and mortality in children worldwide. Children aged 1 to 59 months suspect of respiratory infections were enrolled with a view to determine the etiologies of infection and improving care. In total, 767 children were enrolled. The mean age and sex ratio male/female were respectively 13.25 months and 1.3. Children aged ≤12 months and those >12 months were respectively 136/767 (17.7%) and 631/767 (82.3%). The mean hospitalization time was 6.1 days (mini=0, max=20). Of the 767 children, 714 (93.1%) had at least one sign of severe infection detected with 325/714 (42.5%) having a body temperature ≥ 38°C associated. Procalcitonin level was significant in 173/633 children (27.3%) while Binax rapid test was positive in 176/642 (27.4%). The two tests agreed in 54/159children (34.0%). Blood culture was requested for 55/767 (7.2%) children and only 11 were positive with Staphylococcus aureus being the major etiology (63%) isolated. Etiologies detected by PCR from nasopharynx were Streptococcus pneumoniae (39.3%) and respiratory syncytial virus (23.6%) with 86 children co-infected by both pathogens. Other etiologies detected were Staphylococcus aureus (17.9%), Rhinovirus (10.1%), Adenovirus (9.4%), and Parainfluenza virus (7.3%). Sixty percent of children were fully vaccinated with pentavalent vaccine but only 10% received their second dose of PCV13 vaccine. Multiple home visits for post hospitalization health monitoring did not offer better prevention of morbidity and mortality compared to a single visit (P >0.05). A rate of 42.5% severe respiratory infections was detected with Streptococcus pneumoneae and Respiratory Syncytial Virus encountered the most.


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