Eucalyptus agroforestry system in Chittagong: socio-economic potentiality amid controversies

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Research Paper 01/01/2014
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Eucalyptus agroforestry system in Chittagong: socio-economic potentiality amid controversies

Abdullah Al Mamun, Saifullah Muhammad, Md. Akhter Hossain, Mohammed Kamal Hosssain, Md. Alamgir Kabir
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.4( 1), 32-39, January 2014.
Certificate: IJAAR 2014 [Generate Certificate]


The study aimed to uncover the socio-economic potentialities of Eucalyptus of existing prominent agroforestry systems in the rural landscape of Sitakunda and Mirsharai upazila of Chittagong district. Data were collected from 90 agroforestry practitioners irrespective of age, sex and occupation following a semi-structured questionnaire and 30 experimental plots were taken from three different agroforestry systems viz. homegardens, boundary of the crop field and on fallow lands, where farmers used to cultivate Eucalyptus as a component of agroforestry. To determine trends toward planting Eucalyptus, homegardens were categorized into three age group viz. ˂15 year, 15-30 year, ˃30 year. Considering age group of the homegardens, significant difference is prevailed among three types of homegarden. Average MAI of Eucalyptus in homegarden, crop field boundary and fallow land were 10.681m3h-1yr-1, 48.618m3h-1yr-1 and 45.181m3h-1yr-1 at an average age of 8.9 year, 6 year and 6.3 year respectively. Farmers are aware with the present controversies of Eucalyptus which is disclosing through mass media. All agroforestry practitioners believed that Eucalyptus is responsible for reducing agricultural crop production and it is applicable for other trees also. However, they are still planting Eucalyptus ignoring the controversies as it does not require intensive technical input and management.


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