Evaluating groundwater pollution and assessing the vulnerability. Case of massive dune of Bouteldja, Algeria

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Evaluating groundwater pollution and assessing the vulnerability. Case of massive dune of Bouteldja, Algeria

N. Sedrati, L. Djabri, H. Chaffai
J. Bio. Env. Sci.9( 5), 129-136, November 2016.
Certificate: JBES 2016 [Generate Certificate]


The applicability of DRASTI vulnerability assessment method in evaluating the impact of agricultural activities on groundwater quality is tested in many areas in the north of Algeria with modest results. Intensive agriculture requires large amounts of fertilizer and water supplied by irrigation, which induces groundwater contamination by nitrates and organic parameters. Vulnerability mapping is performed with the DRASTIC method and the Susceptibility index (SI), which is an adaptation of DRASTIC. The contamination susceptibility index at a given location was calculated by taking the product of the vulnerability drastic index and the quality index. The massive dune aquifer of Bouteldja study case proposed for the application of this methodology. The study revealed that the area with high vulnerability would increase 73% and is related to hydrogeological factors as well as intensity of agricultural practices. The index map indicates that the most susceptible groundwater occupied the majority of the study area. The validity of these methods in the massive dune of Bouteldja aquifer was tested by a comparison between nitrate concentration and distribution of the vulnerability classes in the study area. This comparison has proved that the SI method is the most valid method. This is due to the introduction of the hydro chemicals parameters.


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