Evaluation and selection of introduced and released hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) varieties for pod yield and quality in Southern Ethiopia

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Research Paper 01/06/2017
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Evaluation and selection of introduced and released hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) varieties for pod yield and quality in Southern Ethiopia

SH. Abrham, N. Mandefro, A. Sentayehu
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.10( 6), 68-75, June 2017.
Certificate: IJAAR 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The field experiment was conducted using 19 pepper genotypes at two locations in wolaita zone, Ethiopia, in 2014/15 using Randomized Complete Block Design with 3 replications to evaluate the performance and select the best variety in terms of pod yield and quality. ANOVA indicated there was significant difference (p=0.05) among genotypes in all tested parameters. At Wolaita Sodo the highest fresh pod yield (22,173kg/ha) and the lowest (9,432kg/ha) was recorded for treatments 2 and 7, respectively with yield range of 12,741kg/ha. The highest (4,404.3kg/ha) and lowest (646.2kg/ha) dry pod yield was observed for treatments 13 and 11, respectively having dry pod range of 3,758.1kg/ha due to difference in varieties. Similarly, at Areka the highest fresh pod yield (35,999kg/ha) was recorded by treatment 10 whereas the lowest yield (15,329kg/ha) was observed by treatments 7 and 9, respectively. The highest dry pod yield (5,269.4kg/ha) recorded by treatments 13 and the lowest (1098.7kg/ha) was scored for treatment 11. Fruit quality showed significant difference among genotypes. The highest fruit length (146.45 cm) was recorded for treatment 1 and that of the highest width (73.99 cm) was recorded for treatment 11 followed by (73.80 cm) treatment 12. The result revealed that some introduced genotypes performed better than local ones in terms of yield and quality. Therefore, varieties (treatments 2,3,4,10,12, 13) are selected ones and must be promoted. Further, some varieties which performed best in specific location need to be tested across locations and seasons.


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