Evaluation of Drinking Water Quality in Urban Areas of Pakistan. A Case Study of Gulshan-e-Iqbal Karachi, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/03/2016
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Evaluation of Drinking Water Quality in Urban Areas of Pakistan. A Case Study of Gulshan-e-Iqbal Karachi, Pakistan

Syed Asim Hussain, Alamdar Hussain,Urooj Fatima, Wajid Ali, Amjad Hussain, Nasir Hussain
J. Bio. Env. Sci.8( 3), 64-76, March 2016.
Certificate: JBES 2016 [Generate Certificate]


A study was carried out to evaluate the quality of water supplied by Water and Sanitation Agency (WASA), Karachi. Gulshan-e-IQbal was selected for this purpose. Water samples from different source (12 houses) connections (one from each) were collected making a total of twelve sampling points. Physicochemical parameters (pH, Eh, turbidity, conductivity, temperature and total dissolve solid), only one microbial parameter and one chemical test (As) were tested for each sample and values compared with World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for drinking water. The results of the study demonstrated that physical and chemical quality of water was satisfactory. Some samples (3 samples) were contaminated possible causes of contamination were leaking water mains and cross connections between water mains and sewers due to close proximity. It is recommended to carry out compulsory chlorination at water sources while maintaining reasonable residuals at the consumers end to eliminate the microbial contamination.


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